The Queer MBA

Group Learning + Coaching for Queer Small Business Owners

Learn, build, and grow with a gaggle of queer small business owners

The Queer MBA

Group Learning + Coaching for Queer Small Business Owners

Learn, build, and grow with a gaggle of queer small business owners

Create a relationship with your business that is fun, meaningful, and in service to the world you want to live in.

Running a business can be overwhelming.

Finances can be stressful and confusing.

And all too often, it is more lonely than you might have expected.

Which is why I created a Queer MBA!

This 3 month cohort - or Growhort, rather - will support you to find more ease and enjoyment with your business (and life) so that you can have more fun!

Internal demands, overwhelm, and burnout are so common for small business owners.

  • Add in the desire and commitment to make a difference, and to do things differently (I see you magical queer being!). This whole dream might be starting to feel impossible.
  • It is so normal for big hearted visionary leaders to take the leap to self employment only to find themselves faced with new and unfamiliar challenges.

It’s ok, and it doesn’t have to be like this.

That’s where the Growhort comes in: by going on this adventure with a group of committed queer small business owners, the experience will be educational, empowering and connecting. As a small business owner, you have to do a lot of things yourself, but you don’t have to do it alone.

The curriculum


A successful business solves a problem for people you care about.

Module 1 supports you to identify your ideal client and connect with them.


A successful business welcomes people into their orbit.

Module 2 supports you to create a welcome environment for your clients (and you) to thrive.


A successful business receives compensation in exchange for desired services.

Module 3 will support you to sell with more confidence and consent.


A successful business is able to consistently provide a service or product.

Module 4 will support you to set up the boundaries and practices that allow you to do this for the long haul.


A successful business balances the output of energy and the input of revenue.

Module 5 will support you to understand how your finances are flowing and sustain and grow your business.

Over the course of the three months, you will become a confident speaker on behalf of the problem you are solving for the people you care about.

You will build a powerful vision + sustainable business model that allows your people to find you, hire you, and be supported by you.

And you will be able to balance the energy in, the energy out, and the joy of all of it.

Through the Queer MBA, you will establish a meaningful business approach, that will empower you to design your business on your terms for the rest of your life.

How will it look?

Bi-weekly coaching sessions

90 minute focus sessions so you can get clear on your next steps.

Monday Morning Standup

Ask questions, meet other growhort members, set targets for the week.

Recorded Skill Sessions

5 modules of recorded skill-building sessions in between live sessions

Async Support

Relevant handouts + a group channel to share wins and get support.

Peer Support

Peer support: a group buddy for accountability

Optional add on: 1:1 Session

3 individual sessions throughout the course for customized support.

The investment

$399/month for 3 months, or $1,197 total.

2024 Deal of the Year: $999 - Pay in full before Dec 31st, 2024

Know that taking the course with three 1:1 sessions will make the difference for you?

Course + Three 1:1 sessions: $750/month for 3 months, or $2,250 total.

2024 Deal of the Year: $1,297 - Pay in full before Dec 31st, 2024

For a one time fee of $399, the recorded sessions can be purchased independently

Scholarships are available

The traction and outcomes that you get from this group are immeasurable and unique to each client. To give you a sense of some of the results, here’s what Queer MBA participants are saying about their experience with my services:

Not sure if this is the right program for you? Schedule a call to see how nimble roots can support you.

Schedule a free 30-minute Joy Ride (Zoom conversation to learn more about your business) and see how Nimble Roots can help you tune up your ride.

Frequently Asked Questions

When do we meet? How often?

Starting in January, you will meet with your smaller growhort on either Wednesdays at 10:30am or Thursdays at 9:30 am. Each group meets every other week. During your off week, you are encouraged to watch the independent recordings and complete the activities.

There will be an optional Monday Morning Standup with all Queer MBA GrowHorts. You are welcome to join as often as you would like.

What do the live coaching sessions look like?

We will meet live, every other week for 90 minutes with your small group for live group coaching. Your small group will be composed of other inspiring small business owners at complimentary phases of their business. You can bring questions, challenges, and your presence to discover, gain insights, and take action on what is most important to you!

The recordings include small business content, relevant activities, and independent learning time so you can create the focus you need to grok the curated information.

Who else is in the room?

Badass queer small business owners. Based on the stage and type of your business, I will be forming groups that compliment each other. This will probably be the best part of the course:)

Will the sessions be recorded?

Yes, if you miss a live session you can catch up on the recording. If you are being coached and wish to not be recorded, you can ask for the recording to be paused at anytime.

How do I know if this is right for me?

This program might be right for you if:

  • You are a small business owner with a viable service or product (sales might be low, but the people who buy your service/product really like it)
  • You are queer (or business-queer, queer adjacent, or re-inventing a new world through your business)
  • You have a few messy systems (onboarding new clients, retention, inconsistent sales/income, inconsistent money tracking), and want to bring your business into the next level of stability
  • You are clear on your path as a business owner (or clear enough to reignite it in this group) and excited to meet more small business owners at your stage

This program is not for you if:

  • You want a new job, not a new business
  • You want a get rich quick scheme
  • You value money more than your joy
  • You want someone to solve this problem for you
  • You want to start a business, but you don’t know what yet.

Are there scholarships available?

Yes, always. You can read more about my scholarship program here.

This is a bike ride with friends

Come join us!

Nimble Roots Coaching is located on traditional Lisjan Ohlone territory and pays Shuumi Land Tax annually.

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Queer MBA


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Enjoy small biz bicycle metaphors and insights on a monthly-ish basis.

All copy on this website was written by humans, for humans.